License Progression Program (AFF)
Minimum age 18 – Maximum weight 220 – Weight must be reasonably proportional
Accelerated Freefall is a program that includes eight categories designed to turn you into a safe and competent skydiver in a short amount of time. After successfully completing two Tandem Skydives, you will qualify for Category
“A” of our Accelerated Freefall License Progression Program. After a six-hour training class, you will exit the aircraft with two parachutes (main and reserve) on your back and two instructors who will stay with you in freefall until
you deploy the parachute. Categories “B” and “C” maybe with one or two instructors depending on your performance. Your instructors will coach you in freefall, as well as on the ground, before and after your skydive. Subsequent training
categories are designed to add to your skills and self-confidence.
Call for more information or to schedule your first AFF skydive today!

License Progression Program (IAD)
Minimum age 18 – Maximum weight 220 – Weight must be reasonably proportional.
Two tandems are required before starting this program.
IAD stands for “Instructor-Assisted Deployment” and is a method of training where the instructor initiates the deployment of the student’s parachute when the student jumps from the plane. The instructor does not jump with the student.
One instructor can take up to three students to a lower altitude than AFF, so it is a lower-cost way to progress.
Call for more information or to schedule your first IAD skydive today!